Friday, January 13, 2012

What now???

Jayden's endoscopy came out clean, so now what? I gave a video of Jayden having an attack to a doctor, and three psychologists. I took him to a naturopath today. I don't even know how many people that makes. Tons. 12 or 15 maybe? Just about every person has said something different. So now what? But now that the physical tests showed that all is well, the question might be neurological. That's sad, and harder to think about than physical. The naturopath doctor thought that a concussion that Jayden had two years ago might be a part of this. I thought that at one point myself, so her idea makes sense to me, but it's just a theory. Another theory and no answers. What now? What now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a lot for you guys to deal with. I hope that you find a solution soon. I know how hard it is to have a child with a problem and not know what is going on or how to help them. It really stinks. Hang in there, Susan.
