It's only a couple more weeks before the year mark of the Advil incident comes up. Now about 300 days straight in a row that we deal with stomach issues. Jayden has had MRI's, an EEG, endoscopy and has seen 12 doctors. Frustrating. Sad.
On the positive side, Jayden has about 2 hours of intense issues at night, but he is fully functioning in the daytime world. He mostly seems healthy during the day and plays with the other kids and participates in after school activities. He just finished a play at church where he had the most lines. I'm so proud of him. But every night, his system has to settle. It settles through hard stomach pains, and acid, and burping. The burping is changing to be more intense. Before you could almost think it was a hiccup, but it's deeper now. I have tried to cut back on the Zantac. I've cut an entire 1/2 of a pill out. I've tried to cut out another 1/4 and we have had severe consequences. So where I didn't think him being on the Zantac was a helping, I now know that it is. I also chart his nights. And in a two week time frame, though the stomach pains and burping are constant, I'm finding that the acid comes into play about two to four times a week.
For the time being we are taking a break from doctoring. I need to catch my breath and try and figure out where to go to from here. I really have no idea. Clearly, 12 doctors have no ideas collectively.
Wishing you all health.
Does his symptoms come after he has laid down for the night? Maybe it's because he is laying down. Perhaps you can try to get him to sleep in a recliner in more of an upward position?? I'm so sorry your little guy has to go through all this. Poor thing!